Leather Care: Howobeel Leather Balm by ChapterOne Leather

 A pair of shoes. One the left is rugged and not cared for in its appearance and the other is conditioned and appears to be well taken care of.

You may have purchased a leather product because you simply love the look, feel and smell of leather. Maybe durability was your motivation. I, simply love how leather goods add elegance and character to a person's style and thereby further uplifting their personality. Whatever the reason may have been, you purchased a leather product and quality leather goods are not cheap. It just can't be.

As durable as leather may be, it is still animal skin. Skins tend to dry over time and prone to cracks and warping. Everyday use makes leather vulnerable to scratches and stains. Just as we take care of our skin, leather goods need tender love and care to some extent. This is where leather conditioners play a huge role in making your leather last long and maybe even a family heirloom. In this article, I will focus on an all-natural leather balm that is homemade in our own studio, the Howobeel Leather Balm.

There are many articles already written about the different types of leather conditioners, so why reinvent the wheel. Click here to pull up a google search result on the different types and their uses. Maybe, when our Howobeel product range expands, I will write an article on all of them and their uses.

Howobeel Leather Balm

Ho.Wo.Be.El: First, lets start with the name, Howobeel. It is the combination of the first two letters of the animal names horse, wolf, bear and elephant. It is not to represent their skins but their character. The traits of these four animals are qualities that I embrace on a daily basis in my life.

  1. Horse: Free spirit, energetic, and stamina.
  2. Wolf: Loyalty, community, and intelligence.
  3. Bear: Integrity, empathy, and strength.
  4. Elephant: Wisdom, leadership, and nurturing.

I wanted to inject these qualities into my business in some way, and a leather ’care’ product range seemed the ideal fit. 

Purpose: A leather balm is mainly to nourish, restore and protect leather from the everyday wear and tear. It will not bring back the original shape of leather that is usually distorted by long term moulding such as in wallets. What it does is it infuses oils and moisture back into the leather.

Ingredients: I use only 3 types of all-natural ingredients; (1) the water resistant and softener (2) the restorer, and (3) the moisturizer oil. They are sourced from Canadian businesses. Given below are the specific ingredients.

  1. Beeswax: The waterproofing agent, and helps to make leather soft and supple. I buy them from local producers.
  2. 100% Coco Butter: Rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants. They help restore and condition the leather. I currently source the butter produced by MAIGA Shea Butter, Toronto, Ontario.
  3. 100% Castor Oil: Moisturizes and softens the leather and, Castor oil particularly gives the leather a slight shine when you buff it. I use the oil produced by Naka Herbs & Vitamins Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Frequency of Use: I recommend conditioning leather goods every 4 months if you like to maintain it in mint condition. If you are more of a rugged look and feel sort of a person, then every 6 months. 

Health Warning: Those who have nut allergies and allergies to organic oils should consider the ingredients and assess their personal health and safety before using the balm.

DisclaimerThe Howobeel Leather Balm is not health and safety certified and not safety tested. 

Application Guidelines

Just as much as choosing a good leather balm, how you apply it matters too. Too much of the balm can make the leather go dark and stay dark. A little of Howobeel Leather Balm goes a long way. Here are the guidelines;

  1. Rule Number One: Apply when the leather is clean and dry. Use a shoe brush or a cloth and clean the surface of the leather. Use a damp cloth and wipe the surface of any mud, salts, dust, or other dirt. And then, let the surface completely dry.
  2. Test It: When it is dry, test and see how it reacts by applying on a small hidden area. Leather absorbs moisture, so a little darkening will occur on neutral and lighter colours. This is normal. What generally happens is, over time the leather dries up and becomes light. So, when you apply the balm it seems as if the leather is becoming dark. After few hours the colour should come back to its original colour or to an extremely close shade.
  3. Application: Now to apply on the entire product. Apply a thin coat. The best way to apply leather conditioners is using your fingers and massaging it into the leather. To give you an idea of how much to use, I only apply less than a quarter teaspoon on my wallet. Over application may darken the leather and stay dark.
  4. Let it Absorb: Leave it for about 2 hours before buffing. During this time, the leather will absorb the oils, vitamins and other properties of the ingredients.
  5. Buffing: The best buffing tool is a horse hair brush. An old cotton t-shirt would do too. Buff well. You will then see that your leather goods have got new life in it.

So there you go, I hope this helps to give you an understanding of the ’why' and 'how' of caring for your leather using our Howobeel Leather Balm.

If you happen to use our product, please share your thoughts on our Instagram and Facebook on how it worked out for you. Including videos and images would be awesome. For both social media accounts, our handle is @ChapterOneLeather and the hashtag #ChapterOneLeather

See you in the next blog everyone.


The name Shaminda Perera in cursive writing
Sole Artisan and Owner
ChapterOne Leather

Howobeel Leather Balm circular advertisement image.
Special Offer!
We will include a 1oz. tin of Howobeel Leather Balm for free with every order of 2 or more products from the 'Wallets' and 'Professional' collections. A little Howobeel Leather Balm goes a long way. Click here to shop and claim this offer.

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